The Cape Breton Centre for Craft and Design is pleased to announce Virginia McCoy as its new chair of the Board of Directors. McCoy replaces outgoing chair, Dr. Eric Favaro. A painter, McCoy brings a wealth of industry experience to the boardroom table. As a member of the CBCCD for the past three years, McCoy is sure to hit the ground running, overseeing development of programs and services to promote the artisans and artists who live and work in Cape Breton.
Virginia is originally from Northern Ontario and is of mixed Ojibwe, French and English heritage. She has spent the last 30 years living and working in Inverness where she maintains a studio and continues to practice her craft. Besides the Cape Breton Centre for Craft and Design, she is also a member of VANS (Visual Arts Nova Scotia), Nations in a Circle, Inverness County Centre for the Arts, and Lake Ainslie Weavers and Craft Guild, having served on the boards of the last two.
“Taking the Chair of the Cape Breton Centre for Craft and Design puts me in a position to listen to my peers in this immense creative community,” says McCoy, “to assess the effectiveness of the work we’ve done and to enhance our service and our support.”
The Cape Breton Centre for Craft and Design is a not for profit, charitable organization which has been serving the needs of the community for more than 35 years. The Centre’s mandate is to promote excellence in craft and design, both professional and recreational, through education and training. The Centre’s role as an integral and leading force within the craft sector on Cape Breton Island is essentially educational, promotional and developmental.
Also serving on the Board of Directors for the Centre are Beth Calabrese, Blaire MacNeil, Brian Greary, Bruce MacPhee, Carol Meyers, Greg Bishop, Helen Gromick and Lynda Lou MacIntyre.