As part of Mayor Cecil Clarke’s Reorganization Plan for Positive Change, a Port Summit will be held in Sydney on February 21 and 22 at the Joan Harriss Cruise Pavilion. The Summit will cover a wide range of topics concerning the commercialization of the port and will feature presenters from across Canada.
“This summit is an important step forward to further commercialize and diversify our port and create jobs,” said Clarke. “Job creation and economic development will be a key priority in the port’s development. It is one of our great assets and a focus of our job creation plans.”
The event begins on Thursday morning with opening remarks by Port Summit hosts Mayor Cecil Clarke, Eileen Lannon Oldford, CEO of the Cape Breton County Economic Development Authority and Mike Kelloway, Co-Chair of Sydney Ports Corporation.
Clarke says the summit will bring together the organizations and businesses involved with growing the port. Updates are expected from the CBRM port consultants and key stakeholders involved with the port.
“I’m looking forward to a factual and practical discussion about the commercialization and development of our port,” said Mayor Clarke. “This event will bring together many of the business, government, community and industry participants that are actively engaged in developing our port and engage the broader public on the opportunities for jobs and economic development our port presents.”
Marine consultants Edward Zimny of Paul F. Richardson and Associates and Gordon Forsyth IV, Managing Partner at BSY Associates, will present a report on opportunities in the container marketplace. The consultants’ presentation will be followed by a panel on port governance with federal Minister of Labour, Hon. Lisa Raitt, Halifax Port Authority CEO Karen Oldfield and transportation consultant Neil MacNeil, the former Executive Director of Harbours and Ports, Transport Canada.
The morning’s presentations will be streamed live online via, posted to YouTube and broadcast by Eastlink and Seaside on Friday. CBC Radio will also be broadcasting live from the Port Summit.
Summit delegates will participate in sessions on bulk and break-bulk cargo, container terminal and cruise opportunities. Presenters include Bruce Wood, President and CEO of the Hamilton Port Authority, Derek Baker, the Economic Development Officer at the Prince Rupert and Port Edward Economic Development Corporation, Marine Atlantic’s Vice-President of Operations, Murray Hupman, and Bernadette MacNeil of the Sydney Ports Corporation.
On Friday, February 22, there will be a public hearing at a special afternoon meeting of CBRM Council with the marine consultants and CBRM’s Economic Development Manager. This session will be held at Council Chambers from 2-4pm and is open to the public.
“All information related to the port will be made available through the CBRM website so stakeholders can make informed, fact–based decisions about the port and their role in its success,” continued Clarke.
All events scheduled at the Joan Harriss Cruise Pavilion are open to registered delegates and media. Event registration is being coordinated by the Cape Breton County Economic Development Authority. Delegate fees of $100 are charged to offset the cost of hosting the event.