Dear Editor:
What is in the water in Antigonish and Cape Breton that reduces a professor to lower himself to public name calling of an individual who just happens to have a different point of view from him (along with hundreds more people)? (Mr. Wallace is no slouch and has a high background in History, let’s hope he does not take legal action.)
This professor could start a fight in an empty house or so it seems.
What is the big problem with those who wish to step out in style in their kilts, and look quite handsome doing so, that irks the poor man so badly? Why I believe I saw a picture of Lewis MacKinnon in a kilt!! Why does he have a hate on for little girls dancing the Highland Fling? Shame, shame.
I know Gaelic speaking people who love to put on the tartan and their grandchildren are highland dancers!! And good for them I say.
Gaelic is a language we are all proud to hold to as part of our ancestry but it only takes in “part” of the Scottish culture of the old country. Now known as Scotland.
If you wish to wear a kilt, great! If you can speak a bit of the Gaelic wonderful! If you can sing in Gaelic glorious! But don’t put down people who do not. (Verrrrrrrry, very bad manners.)
According to Wikipedia kilts were around in the 16c. Before that the Romans made mention of the attire of the Celts and how wild the women were. Whoo Hoooo….
But if this is the type of person who teaches at our Universities it is time we (the Scottish Community as a whole) stopped all donations to whatever institute he represents.
I ask the board of the Gaelic College to continue to teach a high quality of piping and dance to students. Then if they wish to take up some other version, let them do so but for goodness sake teach them properly first. You don’t teach a hockey player the wrong way first.
Keep the flag waving Mr. Wallace, we might lose the Gaelic one day in the distant future, but we will never loose our Scottishness.
Oh, am I allowed to say that word….?? Maybe it’s a new word…..
I descend from, Stewarts, Lamonts (double), MacFarlands, Campbell and Farquharson and proud of it! And I can cuss in Gaelic.
That’s my 75 year old opinion…..
Jean MacKaracher – Watson