To the editor:
I am appalled at the article in yesterday’s (12/11/11) Herald and truly believe that those in charge of Cape Breton’s Gaelic College have no idea or understanding of the true meaning of the word “Culture”. Any intelligent person knows that culture, by definition, alludes to the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievements regarded collectively and is not defined by language alone. While language is a part of a culture it is not and cannot be the sole definitive of a country’s or civilization’s culture! The word ‘arts’ alone refers to music, dance, language, writing, painting, sculpture and other forms of human and intellectual expression which the humans within those civilizations use to express their inner feelings and emotions. One cannot have a culture based solely upon language or any one aspect of culture. Any organization expressing that language is the only thing that defines culture is lacking in intellectual understanding of what determines culture and should definitely not be in charge of such a fine intellectual institution as St. Ann’s.
Daniel G. Campbell
169 Summit Crescent
Upper Tantallon, NS
B3Z 1P9
(902) 826-7856