On Friday, April 8 at 6:00pm in the Sydney River SuperStore Community Room the Cape Breton Vegetarian Association will present their Almost Monthly Vegetarian Pot Luck.
The associations’ mandate is “to encourage vegetarian and vegan lifestyles for the health of people, non-human animals, and the environment. To provide information about the ethical, environmental, and health implications associated with animal-based foods. To support those interested in, considering, or practicing vegetarian and vegan lifestyles, regardless of their motivations. To share recipes, develop frienships and engage in interesting discussions.”
Ashley Howes of French Road Bakery will give a presentation about fermented foods. Ashley currently sells sourdough bread every Saturday at the Downtown Sydney Farmers Market.
Cast and crew of local documentary in-the-making An Unlikely Vegan will also be in attendance
All vegetarians, vegans and curious non-vegetarians are welcome to attend (bring some yummy fare) and see what delightful and delicious possibilities are available to those who eschew a meat based diet. The event is also scent free and children are welcome.